Banning hybrid cars by 2040 – good or bad for carbon reductions?

Banning hybrid cars by 2040 – good or bad for climate reductions?

Over the weekend I read with amazement the negative response to the suggestion that around 98% of the existing new vehicle market will no longer be sold within the next 22 years, including hybrids – as might be proposed in a cross-UK government strategy “the road to zero carbon”.  That gives us a little over 21 years to innovate and provide mobility solutions to drive down carbon emissions, improve air quality – and the car industry is not up for that opportunity?

As we approach 2040 and get closer to the goal of near zero carbon emissions the shift to electric mobility will be required. Today when I talk to hybrid drivers they experience a poor the electric range, lower than the car manufacturer’s test conditions results. Allowing for continued petrol use will mean we don’t get to zero carbon. Another thing to consider is how many cars made today will still be in use in 2040?  Typically, the average life expectancy of a new car is about 8 years. So we have at least two life design cycles, nearly three in terms of future planning. Furthermore, if the car industry deploys the principles of the circular economy over time the future parts of electric cars parts can be remade, re-used or recycled to deliver resource efficient electric mobility.  This could happen whilst innovation continues at a pace. Today battery technology is improving capacity and charging station infrastructure is being.

I believe the world of mobility will be very different in 2040 – it certainly needs to efficient, affordable and low carbon!


This blog was also published on LinkedIn on 8th May 2018

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