Chair of Willmott Dixon’s sustainability day

Paul was commissioned by Willmott Dixon’s Wales and SW business unit to host their sustainability day held in Cardiff City Hall in June 2018. The audience comprised over 400 people representing their clients, supplier and staff. Paul worked with the communication and sustainability team to design an event to appeal to its audience, but with a broader goal of delivering something more tangible and of value to the business: how to improve the performance of the business.

The environmental writer and broadcaster, Jonathon Porritt delivered a keynote lecture, and there were other presentations. Workshops on specific themes were held, addressing some of the challenges presented earlier. From these multi-stakeholder workshops ideas generated are now being considered with the business.  Paul added value in advising about content and format. He chaired the day and understanding the goal of the day could make sure the right questions were asked and the agenda was kept to, on time!

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